Mornings in motion


Mornings in Motion (Fall 24' - 3 months)


  / Month

Come join Ruth, Kelsey, and the Humans in Motion Community for this 3-month celebration and exploration of what it is to be in these wondrous bodies of ours; to find out what it is or might be to live your day from a sense of devotion to Life, Yourself and Each Other.

Monday – Friday we will gather on Zoom for an hour of supported practice, together, including guided movement exploration and reflective prompts. You have the freedom to join in what is being guided or simply be with the group in your own practice. The fundamental premise of this space is each individual opening in their own way, to their own brilliance… in brilliant companionship.

Then, you can explore the community space for additional resources like killer playlists, access to other events, and more supports and prompts to deepen your appreciation of your body and who and what you are.

What You'll Get
  • Online, guided, movement practice 4 mornings/wk (Mon – Thurs); 7-8am MT
    • Room opens at 6:40am w/ quiet sound or stillness to start to land and wake up; session starts at 7am.
    • 45mins of movement followed by meditation, journalling, or sharing. You are welcome to follow whatever the leader is up to or engage in your own contemplative practice.
    • Occasionally the room may stay open later than 8am for ongoing practice, reflection or discussion, depending on the leaders’ availability
    • Friday neither Ruth nor Kelsey will lead, however this is an ideal moment for other community members to lead or to just join the room as a neutral, supportive space
  • 2 original playlists / wk shared with you
  • Online space with reflective prompts to get to know others, share and connect
  • Monthly, weekend  ‘Community Call’ where we dive into a self-reflective theme as a group
What to Expect

While movement is the basis for the type of exploration we’ll be doing, in this space, we take the meaning of ‘motion’ deeper. The guidance you can expect to receive, rather than being focused on the type of movement to do, is designed to deepen your capacity to rest your attention within your own form and the environment around you and follow its natural, healing guidance. The only rule is to feel for and follow what feels truly satisfying to your body, heart and soul.

A natural part of landing more in your body is encountering difficult feeling. There is a natural process of protection that occurs where your body can lock up and store difficult emotions, often these are kept in frozen or less felt, parts of your body. A big part of what we will practise together is how to allow the body - and space - to be the infinitely supportive canvas they are meant to be, for this process of meeting feeling. Additionally, you will find that being with others, engaged in this practice alongside you, is supportive in ways difficult to put into words.

As you learn to soften into your body and the reality you meet each morning, as you are guided to turn your attention again and again to the seeds of health and hope and care within your own form… the natural by-product is a profound sense of wonder and appreciation for this once-in-eternity moment and life of yours. This is the devotion we are talking about. A capacity to see, feel and honour - through the whole of your being - all that is and that you are. In our opinion, this is the land of the miraculous that humans are meant to inhabit.

What You'll Need
  • A desire to spend time with your body and heart
  • A mat-sized – or larger – space to move
  • Computer or cell phone to access the call
  • Zoom application loaded on whatever device you choose
  • Headphones or speakers (better quality sound will enhance the experience)
  • Journal and pen for moments of inspiration
  • Water, tea, coffee… as you like!
  • Yoga mat, blanket, cushions, layers – as you like – to support your body’s comfort
  • A few objects or images that are sacred to you to help support the space
your hosts

Ruth Levin

Ruth is an inspiring, playful, curious, and grounded human. She leads our mornings with gentle guidance aimed towards tuning into your body and turning up your sparkle. 

Kelsey Currier

Kelsey is a colourful, joyful, inquisitive, and explorative human. She leads our mornings with words of affirmation and groovy tunes. 

As a human being, it is your birthright to experience pleasure, connection and healing through your body. Morning Motion Devotion is about reclaiming that pleasure and joy by allowing your body to lead, allowing the feeling process to unfold and cultivating a practice of appreciation of what is.

Community Commitment

While we strive to hold space every morning, life happens. We ask our community members to support each other by stepping in to host class or share a playlist when needed. This shared responsibility helps keep our practice consistent, allow everyone to contribute and grow their own leadership capabilities and the community to get a living example of the diversity of paths forward.